Millwood Elementary School

Lunch Procedures

Students will continue to be eating lunch in their classrooms. Please ensure your child’s lunch is something they can manage independently to avoid unnecessary handling of items by others.

Here are some more details around our plans for lunch:
Our large playground will be divided into sections which will allow ample space for students in cohort groups to play.
• There will be two lunch hours: 11:00-12:00 and 12:00-1:00
• At one time, there will be 4 cohorts playing/outside and 4 cohorts eating during their lunch hour block. Each cohort will have 30 minutes to eat and 30 minutes outside.
• Students will enter and exit the building at staggered times via their cohort door.
• Students will be expected to wash/ sanitize their hands prior to eating and each time they go outside and re-enter the classroom
• Lunch monitors will be expected to wash/sanitize their hands before entering a classroom.