Millwood Elementary School

Arrival and Dismissal

Morning Arrival
All staff will wear masks while on duty and sanitize/wash their hands before duty.
All students will sanitize their hands as they enter the school and their classrooms

Walkers: Students can arrive between 8:10 -8:25 AM

• When students arrive, they will go directly to their classroom through their cohort door unless directed otherwise by their teacher.

Parent drop off - Parents can drop off their child from 8:10-8:25
• Parents must park on the side streets drop their child off there or they may walk them to the playground and instruct them to go directly to their classroom through their cohort door.
• The driveway is now a bus loop and is closed to non- authorized vehicles between 8:00-8:30 AM and 2:20-3:00 PM.
• The parking lot is for authorized personal and vehicles with priority access designation only.

Bus - drop offs between 8:10 a.m. - 8:25 a.m.
• All buses arriving at the school will remain parked with doors closed until administrator/staff on duty instructs the bus driver to open doors.
• Duty staff will board bus and remind students to keep their masks and go directly to their classroom through their cohort door
• Non-medical masks can be removed in grade P-3 once they are in their classrooms
•  Staggering of disembarking of buses will take place and will be directed by the duty person.

• Students in excel will go directly to their classroom when directed by the excel leaders
• Students will sanitize their hands when then leave excel common spaces
• If Excel students are outside they will wait for direction from the leaders to enter the building.
• Students will enter through their cohort door and sanitize their hands upon entry.
Excel leaders will assist in hallways or at doorways when students are travelling to their classrooms.

• Students will be walked to their cohort door for dismissal and will be encouraged to maintain physical distance.
• Teachers will coordinate dismissal with other teachers using the same cohort door to reduce congestion at dismissal
• Parents will be encouraged to maintain physical distancing at cohort door when picking up their child.
• During dismissal, other support staff and specialists will be monitoring doorways and hallways to ensure students are social distancing as much as possible and monitoring for congested areas.

Bus - Bus dismissal is at 2:30 pm
• Students will go directly to their bus at dismissal. If the bus is late they will go and wait in their designated spot.
• All students PP-5 must wear a mask to go on the bus.  All bus students will put their masks on before leaving the classrooms.
• Students can exit school via their designated cohort door.
• Teachers will coordinate dismissal with other teachers using the same cohort door to reduce congestion at dismissal

Student pick up during the day
• Parents will be required to contact the office to make arrangements.
• Parents will not come into the building to pick up their child. In the event that a parent may need to enter the building due to extenuating circumstances, they must follow all provincial health guidelines.
• Parents will ring the school door bell upon arrival l and students will be taken to the main door for pick up and school staff will record the pick up of the student.

After School Programs/Excel
• After school, programs will pick up students in their outside-designated areas or in the case of inclement weather inside the main lobby.
• To reduce congestion, students in excel will be picked up by a lead or go to their designated Excel area a couple minutes before the dismissal bell