Millwood Elementary School

Travelling in the Hallways

Travelling in the Hallways

• All classes will be able to remain separate for much of the school day. Mixing among students in each cohort will be limited to arrival and departures; however, these will be staggered as much as possible.
• All teachers and students in grades 4 and 5 must wear masks when travelling to specialists, maintain physical distancing and use designated entrance and exit doors.
• All classes will only use their designated door to enter and exit the school.
• Teachers will check for congestion in the hallways before leaving and stagger travelling times in the hallways when possible
• There will be limited movement of classes outside of the cohort zone except recess, lunch and specialists
• Students and staff are to follow the directionality lines in the hallways. Keep to the right side of the hallways and stairwells at all times.
• Arrows will be used to show proper direction to enhance traffic flow and maintain physical distancing in hallways.